The 24th Congress of the Romanian Society of Pneumology Application.
Pulmonary affection in system diseases
Obstructive diseases – asthma, COPD and other obstructive lung diseases
Comorbidities associated to pulmonary diseases
Lung neoplasm and other types of neoplasia
Interstitial pathology; pulmonary affection in system diseases
Somnology and non-invasive ventilation
Aplicatia celui de-al XXIV-lea Congres al Societatii Romane de Pneumologie.
Exacerbarea si bolile pulmonare
Comorbiditati asociate bolilor pulmonare
Afectarea pulmonara in bolile de sistem
Somnologia si Ventilatia non-invaziva
Neoplasmul bronho-pulmonar si alte neoplazii
Patologie interstitiala; afectare pulmonara in bolile de sistem
Bolile obstructive – astm, BPOC si alte boli obstructive pulmonare